My Zimbio My Ping in

Monday, December 20, 2010

Cheap Family Holidays in Pattaya

Thailand is a very big country, and kind be very inviting for that reason. It has always been a very popular tourist area, and was recently #3 in the world for tourism. But it can be a bit pricey, especially if you want to go to Phuket or Bangkok. Even Pattaya can be a bit pricey. But the prices largely depend on your choices, and what sort of planning you’ve done ahead of time. If you book today, fly tomorrow, you’ll likely pay much more than you should (unless you get one of those ultra-rare great last minute deals).

If you book 2 – 4 months ahead of time, you will see a drastically lower price and thereby fulfill your planning for Cheap Holidays Abroad . The more in advance you book a flight, the cheaper it will be. It also opens up what airlines you can use, as there will be more open spots in more airlines. If you have the free time required to do this, you should also plan to book a flight during an ‘off season’. This, too, will give you further options for airlines and hotels.

Usually the only difference in the hot season and the off season is the weather. This can be a problem for some, but others who enjoy a little frugality during their vacations might be able to overlook a little bit of weather. You can still do everything you’d be doing in the sunshine; you’ll just have a higher chance of getting rained on. And to be honest, the rain is usually pretty brief and more of a relief than hassle.

I highly recommend that you book your hotel room in advance, same as the flight, I also advice that you only book it for about 3 days. This is because in 3 days, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to find a hotel that you prefer. If you don’t find a better hotel, you’ll have no problem extending your stay at your current hotel, as long as you’ve gone during the off season as opposed to the hot season.

I recommend going to Pattaya for the fantastic food. They have a wonderful international cuisine. They also have cheap Thai food because you’re actually in Thailand. Not only is it prepared by professionals in a local and traditional way, it’s not some fancy to-do. Don’t go to the tourist drag’s resturaunts. Head up the side roads and you’ll find the absolute best eats. The best part being that you can stuff yourself pretty good for only a dollar.

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