My Zimbio My Ping in

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Queen Charlotte Islands Offer Great Fishing Year Round

For the avid angler, there are few experiences that can match the thrill of landing a trophy fish while surrounded by beautiful scenery and pristine waters. For just such a setting, there may be no better place to go than the Queen Charlotte Islands in British Columbia, Canada. Because the Queen Charlotte Islands lie within the influence of the North Pacific Current, temperatures remain moderate all year, providing a perfect habitat for many species of sport fish and an incomparable environment for the fishermen who pursue them.

One of the most enticing aspects of Queen Charlotte Islands fishing is the wide variety of game fish available. The much sought-after king salmon, also known as the Chinook salmon or spring salmon, is the featured attraction. These fish are native to the Pacific coast and commonly weigh more than 30 pounds, although they can reach sizes over 100 pounds.

Coho salmon, sometimes called silver salmon, are another sport favorite. Additional species common to the area include red snapper and lingcod, and another great attraction is the abundance of halibut. The waterways around the Queen Charlotte Islands also harbor such aquatic delicacies such as Dungeness crab, one of the most important species of crab in the Pacific Northwest.

Because of the vastness of the landscape and the different fishing opportunities available at various times of year, many fishermen choose to hire a Queen Charlotte Islands charter company to create a superior fishing experience for them. Hiring a company that knows the area means you don't have to spend precious vacation time simply learning the surroundings and trying to locate good fishing. The professionals who operate the charters know exactly where to take you. They know what species are available during the different seasons, and they typically provide all of the fishing gear and bait that you will need on your adventure. Most even provide appropriate outerwear to keep you comfortable in all kinds of weather.

The benefits of hiring a charter company go beyond the basics of catching fish. The staff can often advise you on any licenses you will need and where to obtain them. Pick-up service to and from the airport or port of entry is pretty standard, and often meals are provided in the cost of accommodations. Once you've landed your trophy fish, your guide should be able to assist you in having the fish processed and packed for shipping, typically at a local processing plant.

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